Many industries are very highly regulated when it comes to the disposal of liquid matter. Over and above that, it falls to decision-makers to choose the most effective method to treat their wastewater, in order to be most time and cost efficient while satisfying the regulators. If you're looking for one of the best ways to treat the sludge contained within your wastewater product, why should you consider a waste water system known as dissolved air flotation?

The Search for System Efficiency

If you want to make sure that oils, solids and grease are separated efficiently when treating your wastewater, dissolved air flotation is generally felt to be one of the best processes. When you have this type of system fitted it will help to collect any sludge into a size and mass that allows it to be fairly easily removed.

How It All Works

The system relies on flocculation, where other chemicals are introduced to destabilise the particles first, so that they aggregate into larger lumps ready for further processing. Often, iron or aluminium chloride chemicals are used to precipitate the process, before dissolved air flotation starts to produce thousands of miniature bubbles, which attach to the wastewater solids and help bring them to the surface. It is then relatively easy for mechanical systems to sweep across the surface of the water and to remove the solids, while the remaining water can then be pulled out of the float tank for additional processing.

Once the inorganic solids and fats have been removed, the water can be reused and recycled for a variety of different purposes. Dissolved air flotation is felt to be one of the quickest and most cost-efficient filtration processes available today.

Applications across Industries

Many industries could benefit from the use of this process, and it is frequently seen in food manufacturing, paper mills, chemical or petrochemical plants or natural gas facilities. It can be used for the pre-treatment of sewerage so that it meets regulated limits or to remove silt from industrial outlets. It can even be used for pre-treatment of drinking water.

Choosing the Best Solution

There are a number of different ways to treat wastewater and each can be modified according to the requirements of regulators in the industry and at government level. If you want to see which process would be best suited for your particular organisation, have a word with a company like Econocycle for their advice.

